TSTRANSCO Jobs 2018 | Sub-Engineer | Diploma/ (B.Tech + Diploma) Electrical | Apply Now

Aug 05, 2018 | State Govt. Jobs , Telangana , TSTRANSCO | 0 comments

Transmission Corporation of Telangana Limited, headquartered in Hyderabad, in a latest official recruitment announcement of TSTRANSCO Sub Engineer Notification 2018 has announced vacancies for Sub-Engineer Electrical posts to fill 174 jobs.

TSTRANSCO is State-funded and operated leading transmission power company that meets power needs of the Telangana state.

For latest sub engineer posts, the state transmission company is looking for job aspirants who completed Diploma in Electrical Engineering or Engineering Graduation plus Diploma holder in Electrical filed.

Final individuals for the posts will be selected through Written Test.

Selected candidates will receive pay of upto Rs 41155/-.

Interested job aspirant need to apply for the announced jobs through online mode on or before 05/02/2018.

Eligibility Criteria For TSTRANSCO Sub-Engineer:

No. Of Vacancies:  174.

Name Of The Posts:

- Sub-Engineer (Electrical).

Age Limit:

As on 01.07.2017, candidate max upper age limit should be 44 years.

For applicants from SC/ST/BC and Physical Handicapped category the age relaxation applicable is upto 10 years.

Education Qualification:

Individual should complete and posse’s certification in Diploma/ (B.Tech + Diploma) in Electrical filed from recognized institution/university.

Selection Process:

Based on merit score got in Written Test.

Application Fee:

Rs 220/- to be paid as application payment through online mode.

For job applicants from SC/ST/BC Communities and PH are exempted from paying application fee.

Steps to apply for Telangana State TRANSCO Sub Engineer Electrical Vacancies :

- Interested and qualified candidates need to visit http://tstransco.cgg.gov.in.

- Make online payment, and apply for the post using Apply Online link.

- Fill the application form and submit the detail.

-And take print out of the application for future use.

Important Dates:

Start date for online application: 20.01.2018

Last date for receipt of application: 05.02.2018 (upto 11.59 pm).

Downloading of Hall tickets: 19.02.2018.

Date of examination: 25.02.2018 (2.00 pm to 4.00 pm).

Telangana TSTRANSCO Sub-Engineer Recruitment Notification For Electrical Jobs- http://tstransco.cgg.gov.in/Documents/Sub_Engg_Notification.pdf .

Also Read: TSTRANSCO 2018 Job Notification For Assistant Engineer (Electrical, Civil & Telecom) 330 Vacancies.

Also Read: TSTRANSCO 2018 Recruitment Notification For Junior Lineman JLM With 1100 Vacancies.

For more information about TSTRANSCO vacancies, visit the TSTRANSCO Recruitment page.

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