NALSAR University of Law Recruitment Professor, Assistant Professor, Placement Officer &Other Posts – 35 Vacancies | Masters Degree, Ph.D, CA/ ICWA/ CMA | Apply Now

May 07, 2018 | State Govt. Jobs , Telangana , NALSAR | 0 comments

NALSAR University of Law, officially the National Academy of Legal Studies and Research, a legal studies institution.

In a latest recruitment notification, the legal institution announces vacancies for teaching and teaching posts to fill 35 positions.

Under NALSAR Univ Professor & Asst Professor Recruitment 2018 notification, candidates completed Masters Degree, Ph.D, CA/ ICWA/ CMA with minimum qualification marks and experience can apply.

The announced positions are for to fill vacancies for Law, Social Sciences and Humanities, Management Studies departments.

Applicants will be screened and finalized will be called for Interview which is final part of recruitment process.

Selected candidate for Nalsar law univ Hyderabad professor and other posts will be recruited on regular/long term contract basis through direct recruitment with salary in line with UGC pay scales.

Qualified person have to apply through offline mode by filling up application in required format and send hardcopy of documents to mentioned address by 08.06.2018.

Eligibility Criteria For NALSAR Hyderabad 2018 Posts:

No. Of Vacancies:  35.

Name Of Posts:

  1. Professor: 11 Posts.
  2. Associate Professor: 04 Posts.
  3. Assistant Professor: 18 Posts.
  4. Head, Corporate Affairs: 01 Post.
  5. Placement Officer: 01 Post.

Education Qualification:

Should completed Masters Degree, Ph.D., NET/ SLET/ SET, CA/ ICWA/ CMA with first class marks and should have maximum experience for relevant posts.

Selection Process:  On basis of Interview.

Application Fee:

Applicants have to pay fee of Rs 1,000 through DD in favor of ‘Registrar, NALSAR University of Law’ payable at Hyderabad.

Steps to apply for vacancies:

  • Applicant has to logon to .
  • Select notification “Faculty Recruitment Notification & Application form - Advt.No.1/2018, dt.May 2, 2018”.
  • Go through recruitment details.
  • Fill the application form in prescribe format, attach necessary documents.
  • And send hardcopy of application to mentioned address “NALSAR University of Law, Hyderabad Justice City, Shameerpet, Medchal District, PIN: 500 101, Telangana State.”

Important Dates:

Last date for submission of hardcopy of application: 08.06.2018.

Job Notification: .

For more information about NALSAR vacancies, visit the NALSAR Recruitment page.

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