Hindustan Copper Ltd Recruitment 2017 | Trade Apprentice Vacancies | 10th + Inter | Apply Now
Hindustan Copper Ltd, a Central Public Sector Enterprise is owned and funded by central govt., it operates under Ministry of Mines.
Dated on Oct 30th 2017, Hindustan Copper Ltd Recruitment 2017 released a notification to fill Trade Apprentice 129 Vacancies for 15 trade posts.
Candidates recruited for the announced trade posts will be willing to work at Hindustan Copper Ltd, Khetri Copper Complex, Rajasthan to which the announced jobs were targeted.
Selected candidates for the posts will be get paid stipend, as per the rules.
Hindustan Copper Ltd Recruitment 2017 Trade Apprentice Job Details:
No. Of Vacancies: 129
Name Of The Posts & Vacancies:
- Mining Mate: 12
- Computer, Peripheral Hardware Repair & Maintenance Mechanic: 02
- Turner: 05
- Fitter: 23
- Electrician: 40
- Electronic Mechanic: 10
- Draughtsman (Civil): 01
- Draughtsman (Mechanical): 02
- Welder: 10
- Mechanic Diesel: 08
- Pump Operator cum Mechanic: 06
- Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Mechanic: 02
- Wireman: 03
- Cable Jointer: 03
- Auto Electrician: 02
Education Qualification: Candidate applying for the Hindustan Copper Ltd Trade Apprentice posts should pass 10th class or 10th + 2 exams, and should also posses technical qualification related to their designated trade post. Which means, candidate applying for the respective post of their desired should also pass ITI examination.
How To Apply: Candidate seeking to apply for the post, need to visit hindustancopper.com and download application from the job advertisement mentioned in career section of website. And need to fill details in the application and attach self-attested copies of Educational & Technical qualification certificates as mentioned in Advertisement.
And send it through post to designated address. With last date of application receipt being 30th Nov’17.
Note: Before applying for the job vacancy, candidate need to register themselves initially at apprenticeship.gov.in and have to mention their received registration ID in the application.
Selection Process: Final selection of candidates for the posts will be done merit basis. The calculation of merit involves taking percentage of marks from Education and Technical qualification, and applicant who scored well, will initially be provisionally listed and final selection will be done after Medical and other examinations mentioned in notification.
Important Dates:
Last date of receipt of application: 30.11.2017
Hindustan Copper Ltd Recruitment 2017 Trade Apprentice Notification: http://www.hindustancopper.com/Content/pdf/Career_Pdf/RE_KCC_02112017.pdf
For more information about vacancies, visit the Recruitment page.
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